Ο πρώην Διοικητής του NATO Τζέιμς Σταυρίδης βύθισε μέσω Twitter τον Ντόναλντ Τράμπ για την συνάντησή του με τον Βλάντιμιρ Πούτιν στο Ελσίνκι.
«Και παρεμπιπτόντως, ο Βλάντιμιρ Πούτιν που προσφέρεται να βοηθήσει στον εντοπισμό των ενόχων στην παρέμβαση των εκλογών μας είναι σαν να προσφέρθηκε ο Έντουαρντ Σούντντεν να βοηθήσει στην ανακάλυψη εκείνου που διέρρευσε όλες αυτές τις διαβαθμισμένες πληροφορίες.» έγραψε ο Τζέιμς Σταυρίδης.
And by the way, Vladimir Putin offering to help find the culprits in our election interference is like Edward Snowden offering to help find out who leaked all that classified information. Geez.
President Trump has lost his grip on reality to denigrate our fine intelligence professionals while praising Vladimir Putin. An astonishing turn of events, even in the wake of the disastrous NATO conference https://t.co/ep7vBEclhj
I like and respect Ambassador Dan Coats our Director of National Intelligence and head of the US intel community. But I am Not sure how he goes to work tomorrow — knowing that his boss values his assurances no more highly than those of Vladimir Putin.
Before the summit, the President said he would bring up election meddling but warned not to expect a «Perry Mason» moment. Instead, Trump played the role of «Hamilton Burger» — the DA on Perry Mason who lost every case to his wily opponent.
The question today is not whether Trump can channel his inner Reagan “Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall” but if he can avoid channeling his inner Neville Chamberlain “Mr Putin, go ahead and keep Crimea”